Hi there! If you have stumbled to my blog and are wondering who am I or what am I even doing? You have clicked the right link to learn.
Alright for starters, my name is Allie Metcalf, I am a 20 year old female who was born and raised in Washington but now reside on the island of Oahu and I "work" volunteer with YWAM Honolulu "youth with a mission" When I graduated high school back in 2011 I knew I wasn't supposed to stay in Washington forever, I knew God had great plans for my life, I just wasn't sure what they were. I also knew if i stayed in Washington I would never be able to step fully into who God wanted me to be. September 2011-February 2012 I did my DTS (discipleship training school) here in Honolulu, HI and was radically destroyed by God. He met me where I was, a broken sinner and picked me up off the ground and started to rebuild me. From lecture phase to outreach (in Nepal) I knew I would never be the same after that.
When I went home I couldn't stop thinking of all the things God has done in my life and at that point I knew He wasn't finished. Fast forward to this past March I came back to Hawaii to staff a DTS and during that is where I completely fell in love with the bible.
Fast forward to now (July-March) I am doing a YWAM secondary school called SBS (school of biblical studies)where for 9 whole months I get to inductively study all 66 books of the bible. Reading, studying, putting myself in the shoes of the original readers. Through this school I want to have a deeper understanding of the bible and Gods character and learn about His redemptive plan for His people. I also want to be able to go to Asia again and partner with churches and teach christians the bible because it's become so important to me!
That's a little bit about me, comment and tell me about you!
Also, here is my email and phone number if you ever have any further questions;
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