Friday, January 20, 2012

Longish, but random. I serve an amazing God

First off I wanna say THANKYOU to anyone who actually takes time to read my blog, I made it with no intentions of it actually to be read by anyone but my mom and my friend Rachael who is in the Philiphines right now. So thank you!!

For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be. (somewhere in Matthew) I am loving the gospels so much right now!! It's like direct words from Jesus, also I am reading Compelled By Love by Heidi Baker, Mozabique, Africa is my next stop. Anyway, I forget where I was going with this, but reading the gospel and reading those pretty red words from Jesus is like He is directly giving me directions in Nepal, He says go out and pray for the sick, make disciples and stuff He means it! And you don't have to go to another country to do it! You can pray for a sick person, take someone out to coffee and chat with them, worship God anywhere!! 

Sorry that my post are never too detailed, sometimes it takes too long to collect my thoughts and make them into somewhat understandable sentences. 

Pohkara has been amazing. My team and I are staying at the YWAM base here and it is beautiful. I wake up and watch the actual sunrise, (while being in YWAM it is impossible to sleep in) especially when you are surrounded my giant mountains and goats and what not! Anyway, the sunrises here are beautiful, breath taking some might say. I have amazing quiet times with God, I actually love to read the bible now. It's awesome. God is awesome. Quiet times with Him are waaay more important than I thought. 

Ministry here is so fun, little kids everywhere!! We have so many wonderful oportunities, doing lots of open airs, prayer walks and village ministry. Such a blessing to be here. It's crazy, God doesn't even need my help in sharing His word but He called me here, He chose me to help! So crazy, we serve such an amazing God. 

The food here, dahl bhot for breakfast, lunch and dinner, I'll never get tired of it. ;) let's just say, I miss icecream...

Eastern culture is different in every way possible from western culture, I absolutely love it though! Can't believe it's almost over though!! Anyone want to come to Nepal with me in the near future?? 

I have read a few books while being here, LOTS of the bible, it's sweet. And I just recently realized everything I learned in lecture phase I am applying here!

Oh and Sunday around 10am I am going to an Internet cafe with skype so Saturday night your time you (anyone) should skype me! :)    


Allie & Blanky

Sunday, January 15, 2012

SO sorry for not updating sooner!!!

Hello family, friends, and people reading my blog,

Gosh so much has gone on I don't even know where to start! I'm sorry I haven't updated my blog in a while, I promise it is because I have been busy, and well...being in Nepal it's hard to find internet.

Since my last update my team and I have traveled lots! The day after the New Year we left Kathmandu area and took a micro (private bus thing) to Nuwakot which took roughly 7 hours! Nuwakot was my favorite place by far!! We stayed in a pretty snazzzy hotel! ;) 

Read this article below

Nepal is a source country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and involuntary servitude. Children are trafficked within the country and to India and the Middle East for commercial sexual exploitation or forced marriage, as well as to India and within the country for involuntary servitude as domestic servants, circus entertainers, factory workers, or beggars. NGOs working on trafficking issues report an increase in both transnational and domestic trafficking during the reporting period, although a lack of reliable statistics makes the problem difficult to quantify. NGOs estimate that 10,000 to 15,000 Nepali women and girls are trafficked to India annually, while 7,500 children are trafficked domestically for commercial sexual exploitation. In many cases, relatives or acquaintances facilitated the trafficking of women and young girls into sexual exploitation. - U.S. State Dept Trafficking in Persons Report, June, 2009

The district of Nuwakot where we stayed for 2 weeks was the highest percentage of women and children being taken from. We did a lot of prayer and intercession for these victims and the men. We also did a lot of friendship evangelism and children ministry (teaching english, songs, dancing and dramas.) The children there are so beautiful and sweet, I wanted to keep them all! Don't worry mom, I am taking lots of pictures for your little slide show you will create when I get home. :)

God is sooooo good, I cannot put into words how awesome He is and how much He is moving in Nepal! 

Uhm, sorry if this post is random or isn't spelt correctly, I am sitting in an internet cafe with Nadine and the keyboard is crazy!! Plus I am in a hurry, the power is off for 14 hours of the day here!

Where is here might you ask? Yesterday we took a 4 hour public bus ride to Mongol (I don't know if that's right) to get onto a micro for 4 more hours to our second to last destination on this outreach, Pokhara. Look it this town, it's so beautiful and we are really close to Everest! This is a really touristy spot in Nepal so I have seen other white people!!!! 

Today, Nadine and I found I miss snacks from home hahahh! Oh, I also miss my friends and family A LOT!! I can't wait to come home to my bed and have my mommy cook me spaghetti. :)

My team: we are all finally better! No one at the moment is sick and we are all ready to do lots of trekking in these last few weeks! Thanks for your prayers everyone!

Nepal: Nepal is awesome, I am torn, I am sad to leave, but I am sad to be away from home. The people in Nepal are so beautiful and friendly, it is so nice to walk up to a store and just start talking to people and they are so friendly back, and they always give you tea!!!! I'm sure going to miss that. 

This is a random post, like i said I am at an internet cafe and the power is always off so I will try to update my blog again! We are here doing a lot of trekking and village ministry in Pokhara!!!! 

I miss you all and love you lots!!!

ps i love to get nice emails -------->

oh and birdy 35 days till we can spin around in the tin!!!! 


Allie & Blanky!