I am switching over to Wordpress, so from now on click this link to see what I am up to :)
New blog
Simple reads
Bringing His kingdom to earth
Friday, August 30, 2013
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Time is now
That title actually has nothing to do with my blog I am about to post
These past few weeks, or since I have last published some words we have now completed the following: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Job, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Philemon and Titus. Guys from my studies and just reading the bible for what it is I have come to two conclusions..
I know those seem so elementary and childlike statements but believe it when I say it, He is real. Last week I ran around the classroom shouting "God is real! God is real!" Everyone around me was like, "Yeah Allie..we know this." I don't think they understand this statement to me. Before SBS I had a solid foundation in Christ, I knew Jesus, I had a relationship with him, an intimate one I thought. But that was on experience. I want the real thing. I want it all, and I never want to be without. The more I discover God's heart and his redemptive plan for his people the deeper he takes me. I never want to be outside of what God is doing and His plans. I have to constantly remind myself that it is first God that put these passions and desires in my heart, so now I have to figure out what He wants me to do with them and where do be. I always thought for so long I would come up with an idea and then ask for His blessing, no it's the other way around.
The second thing, God never changes; yes again so simple to say but to read about His consistent love and promise for Israel through the Old Testament brings me to tears. I thought God was some big evil God from the Old Testament, but when you read if from the perspective of the original reader, you really see how loving God really is, and how protective he is, and how beautiful he is with his people. In my quiet times lately, all I can think about is God's character and heart, and think, "yep, this is the God I want to serve for the rest of my days, I never want to stop, I want everything I do to be glorifying to the King"
My schedule for the next couple of months:
End of August: 1&2 Samuel
September: Psalms, Proverbs, 1&2 Kings, Joel, Micah, Hosea, Amos actually I am not certain of what other books off the top of my head but if you really want to know, message me of FB or something :)
Also, at the end of SBS (March) we as a school have the opportunity to go on a 3 month outreach where we will be teaching and ministering to where we go, the locations are....drum roll please
INIDA, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, BRAZIL (pray with me for I have not decided where I want to go)
Anyway, I am doing well! Thank you for all your support and prayers, they literally get me by day to day! I am overwhelmed by the support I have all over the world. Thank you for being a part of my vision and taking time to read my messy thoughts. You are all beautiful and wonderful
Allie Cat
Sunday, August 11, 2013
It's all about the vision
“Nothing needs to change, but my
perspective, and then everything changes” -quote unknown
It's now August, where has the
time gone? It's been a little over 4 months of living here in Hawaii and I love
everyday of it. Currently I am doing a secondary school in YWAM called CSBS
(chronological school of biblical studies) it is a 9 month school where we
inductively study all 66 books of the bible. So far we have covered Philemon,
Titus, (those two books were to learn the 12 steps of inductive study method) Genesis,
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and now studying the book of Job.
My schedule for the next 9
months: (I have about 6-8 hours of homework a day)
Sunday- church & homework
Monday- 8:30-10:30 worship &
intercession, 10:30-12:30 lecture, (rest of day for HW)
Tuesday- 4am-6am (HW) 9:30-12:30
lecture, 1:30-4 work duties, 6:30-8:30 lecture #2
Thursday- 4am-6am (HW)
9:30-12:30 lecture, 1:30-4 work duties, 6:30-8 community meeting
Saturday- SABBATH :)
Mad crazy, so I apologize
in advance for my lack of quick communication, but I promise to do my best to
get back to all my friends and family.
Anyway so here is what I have
learned thus far..
Old Testament
o NOT to transform lives
o NOT to adopt new value
BUT to hear God’s story and HOW the PLAN began
Primary concern: how God has revealed himself to the people in the
Secondary concern: political and social aspects of history
…holy, almighty, most high, one who caused everything to be, a God
to hears, sees, provides, a God of patience and grace
God’s plan: initiated in the beginning, was worked out through
history and will continue until all is accomplished
I have learned more about God's heart and character in studying
these first books of the bible than the many years of trying to study the bible
on my own. How beautiful His heart for the Israelites are, how patient he is
with them and loving, brings me to tears. How as Christians can we effectively
teach the bible if we ourselves don't even know? Good question, that is what
sparked me to do SBS. I thought to myself, in order to live out Gods call on my
life, (missions) I must get a deeper understanding of the bible for what it
really is. SBS is perfect opportunity to do that.
My vision and passion is to see the lost be saved, the see the
believers go deeper with Christ in His word. My passion is missions, my passion
is God, my passion is people. SBS is going to equip me for the vision I have,
to see the lost saved.
The reason why I write this blog is to get you (the reader) to
stand beside me and partner with me to see out my vision. To save the lost! I
hope this encourages you, and along this journey I will promise to monthly
update you with what I am doing, how I am doing and more of my vision and
plans! God only reveals the next step in our lives when we ourselves are
content with it, I can truly say I am content, more than content in life right
now, being in the word of God 12+hours a day. Anyway, I have a need, my need is
finances, this school is going to further equip me for life-long missions but
there is a cost, the total of the school is $10,000 and right now I have around
$2,000 paid, so I am asking for $8,000. Please pray with me and prayerfully
consider helping me out financially so I can pursue my calling.
Allie Metcalf
Friday, August 2, 2013
New seasons bring new life
Weird late night posts seem to either be genius or like "what was in your tea?"
Thus far being in SBS learning about Genesis through Numbers I have realized one thing...and this thing is the most true thing I have learned. The bible works, it's real, it's true. God of Old Testament is so holy, so beautiful, so marvelous, so gracious, so creative. His character revealed to me lately brings me to tears. I can't read Exodus without crying now. God, you are so beautiful.
Thus far being in SBS learning about Genesis through Numbers I have realized one thing...and this thing is the most true thing I have learned. The bible works, it's real, it's true. God of Old Testament is so holy, so beautiful, so marvelous, so gracious, so creative. His character revealed to me lately brings me to tears. I can't read Exodus without crying now. God, you are so beautiful.
Also for those of you that know me well, this is a big deal..my hair is growing!
Ok goodnight world,
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Is this me? Is this God? Is this crazy?
“I don't always knew where this life is going. I can't see the end of the road, but here is the great part: Courage is not about knowing the path. It is about taking the first step. It is about Peter getting out of the boat, stepping out onto the water with complete faith that Jesus will not let him drown.”
― Katie J. Davis
Hey guys and gals, I realize this blog post might be a little last minute or like "what the heck Allie, you are crazy" but just trust me. Tomorrow is July 2. Which isnt just any Tuesday. Tomorrow is orientation and the beginning of a new journey, a 9 month journey where I have to opportunity to be a part of a YWAM secondary school called the SBS (school of biblical studies) where I will get to study through each of the incredible 66 books of the bible 5 times. An inductive approach is taught, in which we observe what the text says and then let it shape my beliefs instead of being told what to believe, let the bible speak for itself.
Where did this passion come from?
After having just ONE week taught on the bible in the DTS this quarter, I developed a passion and excitement for the word and wanted to learn more about the bible and the God who created me. I wanted to learn about the original readers, the history, the purpose, I wanted to learn it for myself. SO, the opportunity came and I took it. Full of faith I am stepping out in this and trusting God that this is the right thing.
― Katie J. Davis
![]() |
Missing Nepal, always |
Homework |
more homework |
California, which I miss also |
Hey guys and gals, I realize this blog post might be a little last minute or like "what the heck Allie, you are crazy" but just trust me. Tomorrow is July 2. Which isnt just any Tuesday. Tomorrow is orientation and the beginning of a new journey, a 9 month journey where I have to opportunity to be a part of a YWAM secondary school called the SBS (school of biblical studies) where I will get to study through each of the incredible 66 books of the bible 5 times. An inductive approach is taught, in which we observe what the text says and then let it shape my beliefs instead of being told what to believe, let the bible speak for itself.
Where did this passion come from?
After having just ONE week taught on the bible in the DTS this quarter, I developed a passion and excitement for the word and wanted to learn more about the bible and the God who created me. I wanted to learn about the original readers, the history, the purpose, I wanted to learn it for myself. SO, the opportunity came and I took it. Full of faith I am stepping out in this and trusting God that this is the right thing.
Also, after DTS I felt strongly called to long-term missions but then I thought how effective would I be being in a different country sharing the gospel and the love of Jesus and my faith if I didn't fully know it. So what better way to know my faith and the where it came from than taking these next 9 months to inductively study all 66 books of the bible.
The school costs $10,000. "Allie, you have no money, you are crazy." Nobody said doing what God calls us to do is easy, how to we have faith in God without stepping out into the place where we cry out, "Jesus I desperately need you." That is where I want to be, I want to wake up every morning thirsty and hungry, crying to Jesus, "I need you"
Asking for money is always humbling for me, but this is what I feel the Lord is asking me to do. I am looking for people who can partner with me to become a better missionary, by becoming more grounded in his word. Know that when you give it is not only making a difference for me, but it will one day by the knowledge that God gives me during this time will bless the nations of the world. I hope that you will pray about supporting me to get through this school, so that I can be that more effective in missions.
Here is something to think about, $9.24 {each person gives} --> 1,082 {all my Facebook friends} --> $10,000 {SBS paid in full!}
Things that are $10 that you could go without once:
-a latte and bagel from Starbucks
-a trip to the movies
-10 things from the dollar store
-a meal at Red Robin
-a good book
-an album on Itunes
-a cheap bottle of wine
more information about the school School of Biblical Studies
If you interested in supporting me send checks made out to YWAM to:
Allie Metcalf
2707 Hipawai Place
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
Here is my email Alliemetcalf7@yahoo.com if you have further questions or just want to ask what my favorite
Blessings, upon blessings to you all!
The school costs $10,000. "Allie, you have no money, you are crazy." Nobody said doing what God calls us to do is easy, how to we have faith in God without stepping out into the place where we cry out, "Jesus I desperately need you." That is where I want to be, I want to wake up every morning thirsty and hungry, crying to Jesus, "I need you"
Asking for money is always humbling for me, but this is what I feel the Lord is asking me to do. I am looking for people who can partner with me to become a better missionary, by becoming more grounded in his word. Know that when you give it is not only making a difference for me, but it will one day by the knowledge that God gives me during this time will bless the nations of the world. I hope that you will pray about supporting me to get through this school, so that I can be that more effective in missions.
Here is something to think about, $9.24 {each person gives} --> 1,082 {all my Facebook friends} --> $10,000 {SBS paid in full!}
Things that are $10 that you could go without once:
-a latte and bagel from Starbucks
-a trip to the movies
-10 things from the dollar store
-a meal at Red Robin
-a good book
-an album on Itunes
-a cheap bottle of wine
more information about the school School of Biblical Studies
If you interested in supporting me send checks made out to YWAM to:
Allie Metcalf
2707 Hipawai Place
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
Here is my email Alliemetcalf7@yahoo.com if you have further questions or just want to ask what my favorite
Blessings, upon blessings to you all!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Surely this God warrants more than our raising a hand and
praying a prayer. Surely this God warrants more than nominal
adherence, church attendance, or casual acceptance. This God
warrants complete abandonment of our plans, our possessions,
our hopes, our dreams, and our lives. We lay everything we have
on the table before this God, and we say, “Use me—my life, my
family, my church, everything I have and everything I am—for
the spread of your glory and this gospel to the ends of the earth.”
Indeed, the only logical response to this glorious God of grace is,
“Here am I. Send me.”
You or I can bail, but the mission is still going to go forward.
So it’s not God throwing a blueprint in our laps and saying, “Go
do it.” It’s God saying, “This is what I’m doing. I don’t know what
you’re doing, but this is what I’m doing. It’s spectacular, and you’re
invited to come along and be a part of what I’m doing.” He’s invit-
ing us. He’s not pushing us out the door and saying, “Go do that.”
He’s saying, “This is what I’m doing. This is where I’m going. This
is what’s on my heart. Join me.”
There are an estimated seventeen thousand people groups on the
planet, and God deserves praise from every single one of them.
Yet thousands of these people groups have yet to be reached with
the gospel. Hundreds of millions of men and women who have
rebelled against the sovereign glory of God have never heard
about the saving grace of God.
Missions is about the worship of Jesus and the joy of all peoples.
And as surely as Jesus is Lord of the universe, the mission will
finish. He will build his church. He will be worshiped among
every people. And in him will his redeemed people, from all the people.
These are all excerpts from a book I am reading called Finish The Mission
Not too late to sign up for the September Disciplship Training School because GOING is necessary for discipling.
- Daughhter of the King
Also in my next post I will further explain what my plans are for the summer and the fall, they have changed but be excited because I am :) :) :)
Monday, May 27, 2013
Identity in Christ
Each week in DTS (discipleship training school) a different topic is taught so this past week we learned about our identity in Christ and the things I learned last week are so important that I feel the NEED to share my notes with you! I can remember back to my Dts almost 2 years ago, this stuff is so important! Knowing your identity in Christ is so important!!
Last weeks lecture notes:
"Finding your identity in Christ is finding that first love again, discovering who you already are."
I am Yours, You are mine
And we'll be together forever
And we'll be together forever
And you don't have to pretend to be something or someone your not.
Cuz I know you better than that, even better, even better than that.
Listen my Beloved.
I knew what I was getting into when I called you.
I knew what I was getting into when I said your name.
Cuz I know you better than that, even better, even better than that.
Listen my Beloved.
I knew what I was getting into when I called you.
I knew what I was getting into when I said your name.
Because of the sacrifice of the Messiah, his blood poured out on the altar of the Cross, we're a free people—free of penalties and punishments chalked up by all our misdeeds. And not just barely free, either. Abundantly free! He thought of everything, provided for everything we could possibly need, letting us in on the plans he took such delight in making. He set it all out before us in Christ, a long-range plan in which everything would be brought together and summed up in him, everything in deepest heaven, everything on planet earth. (Ephesians 1:7-10 MSG)
{Love, grace & overcoming sin}
- Without the structure and mind change of knowing your identity in Christ you will just be on an emotional roller coaster your whole life
- Strongholds are "a house of thoughts"
- Renee your mind back to the New Testsment
- The way you are renewed is the transforming of your mind
When you feel the emotions like jealousy, anger, anxiety, worry, manifesting in your head..look back the the place in your mind where Jesus isn't there and you've believed those lies.Renewing of the mind!
We were made in the image of God from the beginning but then Satan tempted Eve in Genesis 3 saying we are separated from God
The world says:
You do something good/cool and then you will become worthy and accepted
Jesus says:
I forgive you, I died for you, I accept you, I love you, FIRST, then you walk in that
When you harden your heart it gives less access for the Holy Spirit to convict you
How do I apply taking down strongholds (lies) in my life?
- Start turning back to truth and stop believing those lies
- What I just did wasn't worthy behavior but I am still worthy in Christs eyes
- Overcoming sin= fear of God turns into loving God}
- Choose to believe Gods heart for us is restoration and redemption
TRUTHS/ good gems 💎
- Nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8) When Adam and Eve sinned, they hid from God..but what did he do? He pursued them, we in our minds separate ourselves from God
- What sin is beyond the grace of God? NONE
- When we sin, God still loves me
- Sin hurts me and hurts others
- When you start to feel guilty about your sin, you miss out on grace, HELLO
- God doesn't cut us off from grace when we sin, we cut ourselves off (therefore renew your mind with truth)
- Start believing what has already been accomplished on the cross over 2,000 years ago (you are made alive in Christ) Could it be any clearer? Our old way of life was nailed to the cross with Christ, a decisive end to that sin-miserable life—no longer at sin's every beck and call! What we believe is this: If we get included in Christ's sin-conquering death, we also get included in his life-saving resurrection. We know that when Jesus was raised from the dead it was a signal of the end of death-as-the-end. Never again will death have the last word. When Jesus died, he took sin down with him, but alive he brings God down to us. From now on, think of it this way: Sin speaks a dead language that means nothing to you; God speaks your mother tongue, and you hang on every word. You are dead to sin and alive to God. That's what Jesus did. (Romans 6:6-11 MSG)
- Once we believe the lie that sin separates us we veil our hearts from God (not good)
- Draw near to God and He will draw near to you
- Yes, sin has consequence BUT it doesn't cut you off from grace! We should be so in love with a jesus that we wouldn't want to sin
- Church and pastors try to scare us away from sin but we are sinners because of the fall of man
- My growth in God is up to me, only my wrong unworthy thinking can separate me
- Jesus can't make you love Him, He's giving you a grace filled invitation to be with Him, because He is worthy
- Sin= choosing to put your soul in a dangerous place
- Say NO to flesh and access grace
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose Allie in him before the foundation of the world, that Allie should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined Allie for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. In him Allie have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon Allie, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth. In him Allie have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, so that Allie who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory. In him Allie also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory. (Ephesians 1:3-14 ESV)
An exercise for the reader, replace Allie with you name and own this and declare this truth!
Seek wisdom, cry out for wisdom from God
The power of influence (Satan's nasty little secret for taking over the world)
- Government
- Education
- Religion
- Media
- Arts and entertainment
- Family
- Business
The only way to change culture is to create more of it. - Andy Crouch
We can sit here and complain about things in our world that we hate OR we can do something about it, stir up your passions that Jesus gave to you!
Also I know I blogged like a week ago but I just wanted to say again how grateful I am to be here, to completely rely on God, working for a non-profit origination and not knowing how or where my staff fees will come each month is scary but awesome because every time my needs whatever they may be are met by God it proves time and time again of His faithfulness, that's all I have to say.
Some of my life in the form of photographs;
A beautiful place, yeah that's where I live
You obey the love of Christ when you offer a helping hand. Galatians 6:2 {feeding the hungry}
This is Dan, no he doesn't always have weird facial hair
Emily! She came to visit me, I love visitors
Beauty, love, hands and feet of Jesus going to Bangladesh next month
Life is in the most dead of places
Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light
The crazy, beautiful, unique, loving DTS staff I am part of
Our identity in Christ
Daughter of the king
Ps feel free to ask me any questions about what I'm doing or anything, I love people and I love to talk/listen with people!
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