Dear friends and family,
adventures with Jesus continue! As most of you know last September I spent 3
months in Honolulu Hawaii at the YWAM (youth with a mission) base doing a DTS
(discipleship training school) where I was learning more about the bible and
growing a deeper relationship with Jesus and learning more about world
missions. After that I spent 2 ½ months in Nepal sharing the gospel and
learning what it truly means to be a disciple of Jesus. My world was completely
changed, I asked God to break my heart for what breaks His and He did. He gave
me a heart for missions.
coming April I am heading back to YWAM Honolulu to DTS staff and lead outreach
teams to Asia. YWAM is an organization dedicated to knowing God and making him known.
It equips young people to go into the nations and share the gospel. During my
DTS I was stretched, I grew so much in that 6-month time. I learned the value
of the gospel, I learned and truly felt the love of Jesus. Jesus gave me a
burning passion for injustice in other countries, while in Nepal was did a lot
of work with the human trafficking and God has really put that on my heart to
continue working with that cause.
have a 2 year commitment to Honolulu as staff, my role as DTS staff with be, watching
students grow and learn, praying and encouraging students as they fall more in
love with Jesus and leading outreach teams to Asia. I am writing you this
letter to inform you that I will be needing not only financial support but
spiritual and mental support. In my DTS the Lord provided over $2,000 for me in
such a short amount of time. I have complete faith in Him that He will do it
again. I am asking you to partner with me in anyway you can, with prayer,
encouraging words or your finances. My staff fees are $250 a month. Anything
helps, I am confident in Gods calling on my life and I am so excited for this journey.
Also know if you would like to keep up with my adventure I have a blog I update
regularly, I have email, a phone, I can write a monthly “newsletter” know that
however you support me I will keep you updated!
you for taking the time to read this and being a part of this with me, here is
all my contact information and feel free if you have any questions about YWAM,
what I will be doing or anything to ask away! I am an open book!
Phone #: (253) 709-7005
Donate here:
My paypal account
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